Sunday, June 26, 2011

Final Table

Caesar mega stack of Tuesday (230K USD, 20K chips, 30 min round). I DID IT....2nd Final table in Vegas (1st was last year in Caesar as well). 364 players for a impressive price pool of 70K USD. The winner cashed out 13K USD...for a moment, i thought it could be me...but finally busted 9th. Well... a bit dissapointed (looking at the price difference between 9th and 1st) but really happy with my performance. The last hand.... I was BB(25K/50K) with 55 and UTG (chip leader-tight) raised to 4BB. Everybody folded and with my stack of 490K, decided to shove and try to double up or get the pot (approx 200K on the table). I was hoping the raiser would fold, but he called..and show AK... not so bad for me (54%). Flop ok, Turn ok, River...A... Winning the last hand would have given me the stack to progress for 3-5 additional places in the Final table (and an additional cash of 3-4K USD). I thought a lot about this last hand during the following days...

Monday, June 20, 2011


Halleluia, Halleluia,...last night i made my first positive sessions. After our return from our round trip to Powell, Monument and Grand Canyon (close to 1500 km driving), i took a shover and immediately sit at a table in the Flamingo poker room. The players were friendly and the game was pretty good. I did not had specific good cards, but was showing patience and waiting for the good spots. My first session went pretty good and made up to +250. I left the table after a drunken german entered the game. After some bourbon shots, i sit at another table and went down to 70 before shoving 2 times on a pocket 3s and set of 4s. I double up and after some losses, decided to leave the table with +120. My sessions started at 21:00 and finally went to bed at 06:00 am. Slept 4 hours and went to the Bionion for a NH tournament...well good run was short..1st out of the tournament with full against full (hit on the river)...OK accidents happen in frustrated, i went to the mythic Binion poker room for a cg...Big mistake...1/2 hour after left even more hardly fished by an asiatic. i got 2 pairs on the flop..QT4 (2 spade). checked to let him bet. he bets 10 and i cbet him with 50. call. turn a 9 heard. i bet 50 more and he called again. river..a spade. i checked and his shove...tilt tilt tilt...i called and he showed flush 9 high...should not have called but..... i was really pissed off. After that, back to the Flamingo for another cg session where i doubled my stack on a..full AQ...hits on the river..amazing game.

Amazing trip this weekend.

This weekend we hit the road to visit Lac Powell, Monument Valley, Grand Canyon, Hoover Dam ( See the trip and the stops here )

After looking at the pictures I realize that it does not gives all the credit that to those amazing locations deserves.
Big plains, warm Sun, thin sands, awesome views... Is an experience to live 'on site'.

How you can explain the magnificence of the Grand Canyon.. with 450km long and 30 Km wide ? How can you describe the peace surrounding Monument Valley ? Just a great weekend.. Awesome.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

News du front ... Week 1 - 6 sessions - 14h15 /+1070

Vous êtes beaucoup à m'avoir réclamé des "news du front", here we are ...
PS : Je pensais pouvoir blogger régulièrement depuis un web café, ben yapa.
Il y a des bornes à $5 les 15 minutes ou des web-stations (workstation dans les corridors des hotels, à 35ç la minute !) 

# 1st week report
June 8 : Flamingo - 1 session - 1h30 /+286
June 9 : Bally's - 1 session - 4h /+100
June 10 : Flamingo - 1 sessions - 2h30 /+195
June 11 : Flamingo - 1 session - 1h15 /+425
June 11 : Flamingo - 1 sessions - 3h30 /-136
June 12 : Mirage - 1 session - 1h30 /+200 (+100 quad jackpot)

# Comments

> A propos de ma session nég du 11 (le jour ou Mitch & Claudio sont arrivés).
L'après-midi, j'ai été jouer une 1h, en pensant ne pas pouvoir jouer le soir.
Ensuite, j'ai bu des bières avec Xavier (aka Ewing), en attendant qu'ils atterissent (j'avais organisé un pickup avec une stretch limo), j'ai re-bu des bières pendant qu'ils faisaient le check-in (c'est Mitch qui payait ... du coup j'avais encore plus soif), puis nous sommes sortis manger un bon morceau de bidoche (PorterHouse 24oZ au Range du Harrah's) et nous avons pris du vin ... Bref j'avais beaucoup bu, et j'ai qu'en même été jouer le soir = j'ai fait 2 'conneries' = punition.

> Session au Mirage - Setup as a Starter
La table est ouverte pour nous, Claudio est juste à ma gauche (Mitch est à une autre table). Je me fais décaver à ma 2e main ... glups !
JB has the story :
Un joueur 3 places à ma droite à toucher 2x de suite AA,
un fois contre KK, il double, une fois contre QQ (moi), il double.
Il se retrouve à 600.- (+400) après 2 mains ... that's easy poker !

Well, je ne vais pas me démonter pour autant. Je recave à $200 as usual (100bb) avec un challenge supplémentaire, je dois amortir mon setup.

> Session au Mirage - Quad as a Main course
A ma droite il y a 2 français, dont un, celui qui est directement à ma droite,
catégorie weak LAG, qui torture un peu la table (il veut prendre des chips qu'aux américains dit-il).
Je le laisse faire et ponctuellement le lui offre de la résistance ...
Après une bonne heure, il a un stack de plus de 600, nice ... et je lorgne dessus.
Dans un pot relancé, que Mr "weak LAG" à payé (comme d'hab'), j'ouvre KK au cut ... miam !
Je 3b, tout le monde fold sauf Mr weak LAG.
Flop KQK (yeapee), check et je cbet/vbet, il call.
Turn Td (c'est un 2 carreau), check, je bet, il call (je suis pas surpris, parce que il joue TOUS ces tirages).
River une brique (un 4), je bet, il fold.
Je montre mon carré parce que il y a un jackpot de $100 pour les quads.
(il me dit qu'il était sur un tirage straitflush, je le crois pas, parce qu'il en a déjà joué quelqu'uns et il les a tous joué très aggressivement).
PS : Si son tirage était rentré, cela aurait été le grop jackpot pour tous les 2.
Moi celui des gros bad bit et lui, celui pour straitflush (ils font plusieurs milliers de USD chacun)  ... à ce prix là, on en vient à réver de prendre un bad bit.

Après ce coup là je suis monté à plus de 300 (+ les $100 que je met dans ma poche, j'ai le droit m'a dit la croupière).

> Session au Mirage - Lorsqu'il y a du poisson au dessert
Un peu plus tard, Mr weak LAG annonce qu'il va partir. Il commence à mettre ses chips dans 2 racks, mais continue à jouer. Il annonce qu'il part avant les blinds. Les blinds arrivent, il continue.
Il joue son bouton et la main suivante c'est mon tour d'être au bouton (I love this position).
Un vilain limpe, Mr weak LAG limpe, je squeeze (pas très cher) avec JTs, fold, fold, fold ... Mr LAG call.
Flop hauteur T et 2 treffles, check, je cbet (pas cher), vilain tanke et me check-min-raise à 35.
Bizarre ... il a limpé, puis me fait ça. Je réfléchi et me souvient l'avoir vu jouer agressivement, post-flop, la top pair "nano kicker" (= merdique). Je lui revient dessus à 100. Il tanke, puis paie.
Turn une brique, check, après qq. secondes je dis 'I'm allin Sir' (pour les aficionados, souvenez-vous, c'est une des phrases que j'avais longuement entrainé avant de partir ...) pour mes approx. 170 restant.
Il est contrarié, il doit reprendre des chips dans un son 2e rack (puisqu'il avait déjà tout rangé) et paye.
River un treffle ... ça m'plait moyen, mais je suis malgré tout confiant.
Je lui annonce kicker Jack, il me montre son T, OK baby (je paraphrase Scotty Nguyen) mais j'ai Jack comme kicker et il me montre T6 ...
et hop je suis à 600 et Mr weak LAG a perdu la moitié de son stack lors de sa dernière main.
PS : Claudio est vengé, Mr weak LAG avait payé son tapis avec 2 overpairs et un gutshot qui était rentré.

Yop Swiss Players !

To be continued ...

FYI : Je joue en NL200 (blinds 1/2). Tous les chiffres annoncés sont des gains nets (après avoir payé les pourboires, boissons, et autres friandises ...)

Today, Rio, Flamingo et Imperial Palace

Today I stopped by the Rio to watch the WSOP, yes.. is nice.. but I still preffer any casino Poker Room, WSOP is like playing in Palais de Beaulieu. Obviously it's an huge surface but there is no charm in that place.
The final of the 8 game mix was going on. I watched a couples of hands and then I went to see Mitch’ who was playing an Omaha hi-lo in the Caesar Palace. Then we all went to the Flamingo for some cash. I’ve play for a couple of hours then moved back to the hotel where I have played until 5am (sometimes insomnia has a good side). The cards were good (for everyone) almost all session long and the atmosphere around the table was very, very good with also good players. I really enjoying playing in the Imperial Palace and walk away with a little +175 u$ in my pocket.

The local Jack Sparrow’s name is Derek (read ‘Mondays’ post)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Not only poker

Today was a non-poker day. JB recovers from a cold, ‘The one that should not be named’ recovers from bad beats and I.. well dunno, I was happy to something else than play poker.

In the morning I wake up and walk down to the Planet Hollywood mall looking for an Steelers jersey, we meet at for the lunch and as JB didn’t show up we decided to go south-east to the Gun Shop.

We have tried a few full automatic guns (MP40, Thomson & M234 SAW) it was a pretty good experience, we left with plenty of goodies to meet JB and move to the Factory Outlet in the north. Suddenly we get hit by the ‘pretty women’ syndrome and we have benefit of the low Dollar-Swiss franc exchange and the factory outlet prices. To make it easy, take any item in Switzerland and divide the price by 4. I purchased a pair of Nike shoes for a 30 chf, 2 shorts for 25 chf and 1 Lacoste polo for 30 chf.

Tomorrow support the one that should not be named at the Caesars Hi-Lo Omaha and certainly a visit to the Rio to see the 10’000 u$ Holdem limit game (Event #27)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

the guy that should not be named

tks to claudio for not naming me in his previous message. i am not the one that prefers to spend time in slot machines than on poker tables. i am not the one that win much more on slot machines than on poker tables....and i am not the one that was supposed to enjoy poker but after a series of bad runs, has much more fun in slot one far.
2 tourneys and 4 cash game session...and nothing but mentally down below zero....flush against full, Aces cracked on the river, bad readings (but i should have open a psychic shop to read correctly some of my oponnents)...all seems to be against me enjoying poker. So big decision...No poker at all on Tuesday...Pool, shopping, fun...maybe some slot machines :-) and start as a new man on Wednesday (planning for a omaha H/L tourney). Stay tuned for other funny experience in Vegas...Cheers and enjoy not playing poker.


Monday 13th started with a deep stack tournament at the Caesar Palace, a field of 500+ (531?). The one that should not be named in the blog get busted right after the first break and went play some slot machines.
JB made a late entry but a too-soon departure as well and after struggling with my 'almost average stack' I had to start playing aggressively with no cards.. or let's say.. a range of cards between douce and eights with some jack-fours time to time... 

I hit a draw on the flop with 7-8 off on a 4 way hand and soon after I double up my stake with good hands to reach 40k when the average stack was about 21k. Then my 8-4, 7-3, 4-9 off came again for another 2 hours and I started feeling the pressure of the blinds + antes.
So what it should happens, happened.. my stack was 20 bb and I pushed with my first 'not too bad hand' K-Q suited.
I get busted afer 6 hour of poker fighting with no cards.. I was quite disappointed because I think that, given the situation, I was playing pretty good..

Then lead to the pool, a cigar, a quick shower and direction downtown to visit the Binion's and Golden Nugget. After the dinner we decided to give a chance at the Golden for some cash 1-2.

The one that should not be named decided to go pay a visit to de slot machines...very soon... again... 
JB & Myself were seated at two different tables, I found myself in a table of locals, and was for me a tough start with bets that had no-sense (bet 55u$ on a 24u$ pot) So I had to narrow my range of hands, and while watching baseball I was waiting for the good hands at the right spot. 

I left the Golden after a few hours with a +370u$. I left at the moment that the table became crazy.... 
100u$ bet post flop was pretty current (remember it was supposed to be a 1-2 table) people were pushing with absolute rags and whishing to hit something, like the old guy at my right that made quads 7 against a full of tens.
What this guy had prior to push for 250u$ ? Q-7, yes he made quads on the river with only one 7 in his hand... and he was also claiming for the full vs quads jackpot by the way...

That was for me the inner voice saying, dude: it’s time to go. We took the one that should not be named in the blog from another slot machine on which again he cashed out big money and we grab a taxi for the hotel.. to find Jack Sparrow (seriously) playing poker on seat 10 on the lobby of our hotel.. 
Mondays are quite estrange days in Vegas..

Monday, June 13, 2011

Vegas day 1.5

So finally.. arrived after a 24h door to door trip from home to the hotel. When landed at Vegas JB came to pick up us with a limo.. yes.. a limo, plate VIP 12. After drooping the baggage at the hotel when meet for a lunch, my watch showed 7am CET but it was the right moment to eat a big T bone in the Harra's steak house. Sleep 5 hours then walk around Vegas until find Mitch for the Deep Stack Extravaganza at the Venetian. 350u$ after I get busted 400 on a 600+ field...
Late in the afternoon i had visited a few casinos to made the player cards for the cash games and I understand now what HUGE mean in us.. average size of a Casino is twice the size of the Rhodanie campus..

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Landed ...

C'est dingue, j'entend déjà le bruit des coins qui dégringolent dans les slots machines.

Allez hop, un kawa ricain (beurk !) et je vais mettre un p'tit sous dans le bandit qui est à côté, en attendant ma valise.

Ensuite j'attrape un taxos, je fais un crochet à la Bobby pour serrer la raquette à Doyle & Co, et au Planet Hollywood pour faire une bise à Holly Madison (pour les non-terriens innocents, c'est une des ex-copine de Mr Hefner, fondateur du mag au lapin). La 'babe' anime, depuis qq. mois, un spectacle "a sexy striptease-and-storytelling adult production" nous dit la promo.

Et puis dodo.

PS : J'ai perdu mon HU contre le pilote (un ancien joueur pro de NL1000). Je voyage en soute au retour ... c'est balot.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I'm taking off ...

Je survole le Rhône, puis la Manche et bientôt l'Atlantique.

Bien caler dans mon fauteuil, je sirote un Virgin Mary (pas d'alcool dans l'avion sinon ... mal de casque assuré, déjà qu'on a facilement le melon au poker), grignote des noix de cajous, jette un coup œil sur le profil de l'hôtesse, qui descend l'allé dans un petit tailleur seyant et entame la conversation avec ma charmante voisine, tout en relisant 'poker pour les nuls'.
Le chapitre concernant le repérage du fish (c'est important, parce que si l'identification n'est pas possible, c'est NOUS le pigeon ... glups !)

... et après on dit que les hommes peuvent pas faire plusieurs choses à la fois !

Plus sérieusement, j'ai pris 3-4 magazines avec moi, les derniers Poker52 et Poker Magazine. PokMag se demande quel avenir à le poker en ligne et la dernière édition de Poker52, développe un gros dossier sur les WSoP 2011, qui s'intitule "Tous à Las Vegas ..."
Et ben on y va ...

Bon je vais voir si le pilote a le temps de faire un HU ... je vais lui proposer de jouer le retour en First (suis en coach à l'aller).

Je vous retrouve à l'arrivée. A plouch

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Jour J -5 ... "ESTA bueno" !

Mon 'dossier' a été accepté … Yeeeeees !
Bon là je suis dans les starting blocks.

J'ai trouvé un hébergement pour mon carrosse et pour ma bécane (merci Mitch !).

J’ai répété mon anglais : raise, RAISE, I’m allin Sir et puis super important « fold, FOLD » … j’ai pas trop entrainé « call », parce que je ne pense pas beaucoup l’utiliser (sic).

J’ai aussi revise 2-3 trucs utiles comme : a coffee please, Caesar salad with italian dressing, New-York steak, Bloody-Mary, I’m looking for the restrooms …

Et pis, je suis plutôt busy pour mon dernier week-end … lessives et repassages.

Any support accepted ! (trop facile l'anglais)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Right or Wrong?

Although we are not yet in Vegas, I would like to share with you one move that I did in a recent online NH deepstack tournament.
Situation: Online deepstack tournament $3.30 - 431 players - 23 remaining - $357 for the winner, $9.90 for the 23rd.
The 'good' guy (me :-) ) was chipleader with approx. 100K and the 'ugly' guy (on my right) was 2nd with approx. 90K
I am not sure about the blind but i believe it was 800/1600. This is a pre-flop situation with 9 players.
I hit KK.
UTG fold
The Ugly UTG+1 flat call.
The Good (Me) UTG+2 - raise 4BB (reasonable online? maybe 5-6 BB would have been better?)
Everybody fold until it comes back to the Ugly who shove his stack.
OOOPS what's up man...limp and all in????
Hum, what does he have(i assumed since the beginning that the Ugly was a man....girls always fall in love with the 'good guy' in the movies, isn't it)?

Before reading what happened to me below... Let me know how YOU would have done it with 23 players left and if you would have done it differently in the middle of the tournament (let's say no being ITM)

Was my move right or wrong?
Raising UTG+2 with 4BB is announcing a certain strenght I believe...he could see me with a big pair AA, KK, QQ or AK, AQ and maybe AJ..or may be in a (suicide) bluff ? or he could not see me at all (simply not even ask himself the question...pretty frequent at this level, right?)

Which hand is justifying to go allin after a limp when you are ITM and 23 players left??
Here is what i thought...
AA? - probably not. i would have cbet instead of allin
Any other pair KK-QQ? same as above
AK, JJ or smaller pair? maybe.. if my opponent has AQ, AJ, JJ-xx he would probably fold
AQ, AJ, Ax? It would be stupid to move allin with those hands..just call
Bluff? probable at this point in the tournament.

So i was convinced that the Ugly was on smaller pair or on a big bluff.
and guess what...I called
and guess what...he had AJ and a A came on the flop
and guess what...I finished 23rd
and guess what.. I tilted

Retrospectively, this was a stupid call and a big mistake. i believe my thinking was not incorrect, but at this point in the tournament, calling an allin of the 2nd chipleader was simply the wrong move... even with KK. I shouldn't have risk my stack at this point in the tournament.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Bio pass, mon sésame, ouvres-toi ?

Enfin je l'ai mon passeport bio (pour les distraits ... rien à voir avec l'agriculture ou Europe Écologie), sésame indispensable pour faire un 'move' sur le territoire US.

Plane ticket : OK

Bankroll USD : OK

Hotel coupons aussi ... le tout livré en main propre par la maison Kuoni (fidèle sponsor du VSC), merci m'selle Schmidt.

Maintenant il faut que j'attaque la valise. La valise, la grande, et ouai pour 1 mois, il en faut du matos ...

Mes chemises à double manchettes, mes lunettes xRay 3D, mon détecteur de fish, mon livre de chevet 'poker pour les nuls' (toujours relire les 'basics' ... mains de départ, position, bet sizing, vocabulaire ...) et surtout pas oublier : la patte de lapin, le gui, la gousse d'ail, le dragon chinois et mon vieux boxer bi-color (je vous laisse deviner lesquels), que je lave plus depuis que j'ai gagner mon 1er tournoi (.. ça gratte un peu la 1ère heure, mais après on s'habitue).

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Another interesting daily tournament.

At the Aria Casino, twice per day their run a 100u$ +25 NLH tournament with a field average of 50 players, 8000 starting chips and  progressive 25/50 30 mins blinds.

What is so particular? Well, allvegaspoker states that the Aria Poker room is superior to the Bellagio due to layout, chair comfort, etc and almost at the same quality level than the Venetian for a fair and decent buy in.

In addition it seems that Aria have drafted the old MGM's dealers which are amongst the best in the city:

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

POKER but not only..

Vegas will definitively be intensive poker for us. JB already announcing 10h/day, Claudio is a bit more prudent but for sure he will get into the heat as well once on side. Personally, I do not know how much time I will be playing but I am in Vegas for Poker and will play poker as much as possible (usually CG and tournament every day). EVER DAY? Almost...there will be 3 days where none of us will be playing but I believe this will give us as much fun as playing poker.
Our plan is to leave Vegas on Friday 17 (very very early..yes guys prepare to wake up with the sun or to play poker all night to avoid waking up) to pick up a nice car at the airport and start our journey with a very nice drive to Lake Powell (430 km) where we will be enjoying boating and wakeboarding within the lake canyons.

We will spend the night in the marina and drive 200km on Saturday morning for one of the most beautiful place in the world…Monument Valley. We will be visiting the site and feeling like John Wayne when horse riding mustangs in an incredibly scenic ride through classic Western landscape… hopefully no rattle snake experience…We will then drive back to Vegas without specific plans but to enjoy part of the 66 Road. Claudio is looking to organize some funny activities along the road back (I hear some automatic gun experience or similar…). Finally we will end our journey on Sunday 19 evening…and continue to play Poker… Really looking forward for this trip….hope you could be part as well…

Stacks, Buy-ins & structures

More or less we all going to play in the same series but not necessarily the same tournaments, and at some times I will be there only doing the supporting fan during the Omaha Hi-Lo games (Or eventually supporting the guys from a cash game table).

If you wanna know what are you missing and where we will be, here is the Stacks, Buy-ins & structures of the other events running alongside the WSOP 2011 for the June-July period.

Deep Stack Extravaganza Venetian 2011
The Deep Stack Extravaganza is held four times a year at The Venetian. The majority of tournaments will be No Limit Hold'em but they also include some H.O.R.S.E. tournaments, an Omaha eight-or-better tournament and a pot limit Omaha tournament and the buy-ins range from $225 to $5,000.

Grand Poker Series Golden Nuggets 2011
Golden Nugget Las Vegas hosted its Annual Grand Poker Series June 4 – July 4, 2011, in its luxurious events center, The Grand. This month-long event featured more than 60 poker tournaments including Omaha high/low, HORSE, Pot Limit Omaha, 7 Card Stud and plenty of heart-pounding No Limit Hold ‘em action, as well as cash games.

Caesar Palace 2011 Summer Mega Stack Noon
From May 30-July 15, the Caesar Palace offer a schedule of special tournaments with a variety of special events, including Double Stack Turbos, Heads Up tournament, 6-handed tournaments, and Omaha events. Buy-ins range from $120-$550.  Tournaments runs daily at noon and 4pm.

Vegas as sanatorium

Cette année, j'attaque ma 4e année de poker. Après avoir un peu bourlingué en Europe, seul ou avec mon buddy Mitch, je tente l'aventure Las Vegas (pendant 1 mois) avec mes poker chums Mitch & Claudio. Je prévois d'y faire essentiellement du cash game et éventuellement quelques tournois proposé dans le cadre des :

Annual Binion's Poker Classic / Mega Stack Series du Caesars Palace / DeepStack Extravaganza du Venetian / Grand Poker Series du Golden Nuggets

De plus, je participerai au Poker TDA (Tournament Director Association) Summit 2011. Mais par contre aucun WSoP au programme (je n’ai pas la bankroll et suis pas très fan des satellites).

J'essaierai ici de partager avec vous mes expériences, actions significatives, moves, runs, swings, tilts et autres bad bits (enfin ceux-ci pas trop …)

Cependant, je ne m’engage a rien, parce je souhaite jouer beaucoup (10h/jour), comme si j’allais en ‘cure’ dans un sanatorium … alors si on y ajoute 8h de sommeil (faut être bien reposé pour jouer), 1h de sport (un esprit sain dans un corps sain), 2h pour les repas et «je m’la raconte avec mes friends», il ne va pas rester grand-chose pour blogger, d’autant plus qu’à Vegas, comme vices, yapake l’poker … m'a rappelé ma maman ... ;-)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Ben didn't screw up my bankroll...

Now that Ben is dead and despite the announcement on the radio that the dollar will take the lift up, to build the bankroll it will be a bit less expensive :)

The Swiss Franc / Dollar exchange went from  1.15 CHF for 1u$ down to 0.88 CHF in a short period of time and still going down, Mitch show me the trend on the financial charts and today transactions are made at 0.87

So yes, the stay in Vegas will be 24% less expensive ... unfortunately hotel and flight are already paid since March.

I target a budget of 300u$ per poker night, this should cover most tournaments entries and cash game on the 1$-2$ tables.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Blog is here....

Here is as per popular demand, a small Blog to follow the Vegas adventure.
I have also delegate to Mich’ & JB the ‘ author’ role so they can also give their point of view and share they experience.
Specially for JB who will bre on site earlier than myself.
I’m travelling from the 11th to 22th June